So the trailer for Dragon Ball leaked a few days ago. Looks like James Wong turned this martial arts/fighting drama into a kung fu film. With guns. GUNS. In my Dragon Ball? (It's more likely than you think!) Anyway, turns out they're retooling the franchise's roots and some of the HUGE details. Goku isn't some country boy; he's a nerdy, antisocial college student. Grandpa Gohan died not by Goku's Oozaru, but by Piccolo (Jr.?). THERE'S NO KRILLIN. By fucking g-d, if you make a Dragon Ball movie, you had best include Krillin. Mai is present, but Pilaf isn't. Piccolo is ghost white. Wait, wait. Let me repeat that: PICCOLO IS GHOST fucking WHITE. See fig 1:
fig 1: James Marsters as Piccolo
WHITE?! What are they thinking? This is Piccolo! The Demon Lord Piccolo! Turban, cape, and purple robe-clothes are MANDATORY (see fig 2)! ARGHH.
fig 2: Piccolo as he is seen in the anime
This is a travesty of the highest degree; I won't stand for it. Commercialization has destroyed the heroic tales nearest to my heart.
Let's not mention the fact that the producers said something like "there'll be a kamehameha in there...somewhere. uh, yeah. maybe." I'm still going to watch, but only for the Kung Fu aspect.
the end/beginning.
14 years ago