So lately whenever I've been in a discussion about the Christian God and Heaven and Hell, it seems a lot of the faithful tend to shovel the same answer time and time again; salvation lies in faith. Doesn't matter whether you're a decent person or not, but you just have to believe that Christ died for sins and whatnot. You can murder, steal, loot, pillage, commit adultery, so on and so forth, but so long as you believe in the Christ, you can repent and get into Heaven no questions asked. But if an atheist, an otherwise upstanding, morally proficient and wholly good person dies, he's sent to Hell on the basis that he didn't accept the Christ as a savior or follow the Church.
Now tell me that isn't the most backwards-ass logic you've ever heard. Granted, it's faith, so it isn't built upon logic and/or reason (not a slam, just the truth), but still,
come the fuck on. You expect me to believe that the sinner who repeatedly murders and/or commits grave crimes such as these still believes in getting into Heaven, let alone any sort of salvation? Repentance can do a lot; the only thing is, the person must be willing. Now I know once they get to purgatory or limbo or whatever cosmic midway you'd like to imagine it as, they'll at least fake repentance because they're faced with immediate consequences. But what about on Earth? If they didn't care before--barring any sort of mind-blowing epiphany while incarcerated--and return to their dastardly deeds, what's to say they repented at all? Now you're going to say that this person has a chance to repent once they die all because they say they
Let's look at the opposite; an atheist who, by all Christian moral and ethical standards, is a good person, upstanding family, no enemies to speak of, no grave sin, and no other tarnishes on his or her good name, simply doesn't find Christianity to his liking. He's not a man of faith but manages to die a peaceful death. Now assuming we all go to the Christian judging booth, what's to happen to him? When I talk to Christians, they say he's off to play endless Guitar Hero sessions with the Devil in Hell--all because he didn't believe in his mortal life. Yeah, makes perfect sense.
Now I'm not knocking Christianity or its followers as a whole; just this school of thought. Who came up with that? It's stupid. Would a benevolent god, one who supposedly loves
all his children, whether they believe or not, just damn someone because they happened to not believe?
See, for this particular way of looking at the afterlife, I've devised a loophole big enough for all of the Los Angeles Philharmonic to fit through. Let's say I get there, being an atheist and all. So the big man is sitting there, looking at my sins, and doesn't see anything too bad (in an ideal scenario). But then at the bottom of the list, the little light for "
BELIEVER" isn't lit up. I'm going to play it off; "God, man, so sorry. I am SO sorry. No, really. I'm sorry. I guess that's just another sin. Can't I repent? I believe now. Can I write that off as a sin and just use me repentance card now?"
So does God love everybody? I sure as hell hope so.
So that ends Volume I. Thanks,
Cobalt and Calcium.
God, this can't be.
God must be asleep.
God must be asleep.
God must be asleep.