Wednesday, September 24, 2008

It's the simple things, really.

Just the little bits of things that make life worth living. Little things; nothing but a kind thought, a CD, and a message to the world. With one act my entire week has been justified. Brian Bohan sent me a copy of his band,His Hideous Heart's debut LP It's a Weird Time To Be Alive, and that simple gesture reminded me why we live. It was six words on a pink post-it note that brought joy to my heart.
Much gratitude. Support free music. Support love. -hhh
Simple. Yet within it was a message to the entire world. Life's about love, people. Spreading and giving are the purest forms of goodness and to give it out is to have it grow.
Like I said, it was just the gesture and the act of friendship that brought a smile to my face. This is why we live. We live for each other, and it seems all too often everyone forgets that. Love is everything.

Now let's talk about the actual CD. This is a fantastic work from six young folk from various midwest places, but centered in Cleveland, Ohio. Their debut LP, It's A Weird Time To Be Alive is both epic and minimalist, both deep and accessible. It's honest, moving post-rock/indie with beautifully arranged instrumentation and execution. Keep in mind that these are college kids who're all around 20 years old. I'm expecting a lot from this band in the future.

ps. <3 you, brian.

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